Official ALL Badger hating thread


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
*removes my cardinal beer goggles* whatever.....

How many years ago were people saying "Badger Basketball sucks, always has always will"? The Football team has taken some hits with head coaches the past 3 years, yet are predicted by most to go back to the the Big10 Championship. A Championship they have won half the time in the 4 years of its existence, as well as appeared in 3 out of the 4 games.

Yeah they suck, as do Bo and the Badger Basketball team and haters are going to hate.


Lifelong Packers Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
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Here's a jsonline article about Chryst's record in the red zone.

Check out the “Chryst calling the shots” graphic on the left side. The last three years the Badgers were 38th, 36th, and tied for 63rd in red zone efficiency nationally. During his last two years as Badgers OC, they were 2nd and 4th. Third down efficiency is even better: 84th, 54th, 94th vs. 1st and 9th. I don’t expect instant results - for example, Stave will have to earn the trust of Badgers fans. I have confidence in Chryst running the offense and Aranda running the D. If they can recruit...


Dec 20, 2014
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I agree, I have faith that Chryst knows what he's doing and Aranda, but I have Zero in Stave. For every good throw or game he has, there are seasons worth that are shining examples of some of the worst QB play I've ever seen at a collegiate level. If they can coach him to a semi-serviceable level i'll think it's one heck of a coaching job.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
The biggest limitation facing the recruiting process for the UW is academic standards. Let's face it, some of the blue chip athletes just can't academically qualify, so they are not even recruited. Although this has never really hindered Bo Ryan from putting smart, good sound players on the court, it does create a bigger obstacle in Football, 22 starters VS 5 in basketball.

IMO as long as Alvarez is the AD, the football program will always be Big 10 strong, but that National Championship is a big hurdle, not unobtainable, but huge.


Lifelong Packers Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
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I agree about standards. That was supposedly one reason Andersen left. He/the Badgers allegedly lost a four-star DT recruit Craig Evans to Michigan State because Evans couldn't get into UW. Bad enough to lose a recruit you valued, it's even worse to have to play the kid in the Big 10. Unless college athletes become semi-pro I'd rather not see the UW reduce it's academic standards.


Jan 30, 2010
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Rest Home
Agree on Barry - legendary coach, but mediocre as an AD. The B1G is not a power football conference. The SEC is, and always has been.


Feb 13, 2010
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Agree on Barry - legendary coach, but mediocre as an AD. The B1G is not a power football conference. The SEC is, and always has been.

4 National titles in Womens hockey, 1 in mens, arguably the best run in the program history for football and basketball. I guess if you dont think winning programs reflect on the AD then you can think he hasnt done that much
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Lifelong Packers Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
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Agree on Barry - legendary coach, but mediocre as an AD. The B1G is not a power football conference. The SEC is, and always has been.
Are you implying that's Barry's fault? :roflmao:

Of course the AD oversees all the sports programs but just regarding the football program, Barry's HC hires have won 73% of all their games and 66% of conference games. Their record in bowl games is bad, 3-6 and they lost three consecutive Rose Bowls, but Barry was the HC in the last of that string. Still I consider that record, regarding the football program as better than mediocre.


Lifelong Packers Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
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Schadenfreude and karma can be one hellofa combination. Earlier this week Bielema disrespected Ohio State and the Big Ten: "Ohio State has one game on the schedule against a ranked team, we have eight left on the schedule. To get through this conference, it’s unprecedented.” I’ll have to check but I’m pretty sure Ohio State had to beat a couple of ranked teams on their way to the National Championship. But no one would argue the Big Ten rivals the SEC top to bottom.

Schadenfreude comes into play for me not because I’ve met Bielema and didn’t like him but because of the cowardly way he left the Badgers. Karma comes into play as it smacks Brett right in the face: Less than a week after boasting about the tough Arkansas schedule brutes from the Mid America Conference in the form of the Toledo Rockets handed ole Brett his **** in the form of a 16-12 loss at home. To be fair, Toledo was the second best team in the MAC last year and the AP had ‘em rated at #57 in the nation according to the cbssports site. But if he keeps this up, the SEC will have one less ranked team to brag about. :roflmao:


Dec 20, 2014
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They almost had me fooled, but Stave showed up again. I thought Chryst was a miracle worker, but nothing has changed, Stave is horrible. I can't believe a program such as Wisconsin can't get a qb that sucks a little less than Stave. All these guys play so hard and it doesn't matter for **** because the QB is not close to serviceable. How many overthrows? how many underthrows? Skipping off the ground to wide open receivers and just all around bad play. Yeah he can complete a pass or 2, BFD, he'll just follow it up with a pile of crap. horrible INT's all game and a couple fumbles. I'd feel better about it if these were forced errors, but he just flat out sucks.

There, I feel better


Lifelong Packers Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
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I wrote this before the season:
I don’t expect instant results - for example, Stave will have to earn the trust of Badgers fans. I have confidence in Chryst running the offense and Aranda running the D. If they can recruit...
I was hoping Houston would win the QB job but there wasn't even a competition so I hoped Stave could improve to adequate. Oh well.. I am going to give Chryst some time to get his players - and QB in place. But for a 5th year senior QB that was just sad - his TOs were the difference in the game and he had multiple chances he blew over and over again.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I'm not going to relieve Stave of any blame, but I was at the game and the swirling winds were definitely a factor. I put blame on the OC Joe Rudolph as well. That last series was just horrible and I just don't think he has any confidence in his O-line or running game. A better QB wins the game, but no imagination with the play calling doesn't help. On a bright note, Joe Schobert is a beast, he single handily kept the game winnable.


Dec 20, 2014
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There were plays on offense left all over that field, and a competent qb wins that game. The play calls all day were just fine, but when qb is skipping them off the grass2 yards before the open receiver, or sailing it for an int and missing open receivers and finding hawkeyes instead you're not going to make anybody on offense look good.


I'm Dirty Hairy Callahan
Jul 8, 2010
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Mobile, AL.
I agree, I have faith that Chryst knows what he's doing and Aranda, but I have Zero in Stave. For every good throw or game he has, there are seasons worth that are shining examples of some of the worst QB play I've ever seen at a collegiate level. If they can coach him to a semi-serviceable level i'll think it's one heck of a coaching job.

Yeah, Stave has NEVER impressed me. But he did do good that last drive. It was not HIS fault the line couldn't stop that guy from blocking the kick. Also, I still think taking three steps in the end zone with the ball secured was a catch. It shouldn't have mattered he lost hold of the ball when he fell out of bounds.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
Badgers got hosed by the Refs in that game IMO. "Illegal fair catch signal"?......have the refs EVER watched a football game? Final play of the game was Pass interference. As G&G pointed out, reversal of TD was questionable, since if they actually looked closer at it, he had not only secured the ball and stepped 3 times......but was out of bounds when the ball moved around. That one is hard for me to argue, since that whole "what constitutes a catch thing" is just whacked IMO.

Someone will be quick to point out, Badgers lost, can't blame refs, shouldn't have put themselves in that position, blah blah blah.....sometimes I think it just ok to say "the refs blew some calls that directly impacted the outcome of the game" *See "Fail Mary" Reference*


Dec 20, 2014
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I was at that game. The punt was fielded right in front of me, there was no fair catch signal. and that last drive summed up Stave. He can make a good throw, sometimes, and he promptly follows it up with crap. They drove right down the field, one TD was short, the next was a TD I thought, then overturned and then he takes a ****ing sack???? Throw it out of the endzone. We were at the 2 or 3 yard line, and you take a sack around the 10 with not timeouts left and time running out? Typical. The defense played lights out, the offense was gone most of the day.

They didn't play well enough to win the game, but they did make the plays at the end that won them the game, yet they still lost.


Dec 20, 2014
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Badgers got hosed by the Refs in that game IMO. "Illegal fair catch signal"?......have the refs EVER watched a football game? Final play of the game was Pass interference. As G&G pointed out, reversal of TD was questionable, since if they actually looked closer at it, he had not only secured the ball and stepped 3 times......but was out of bounds when the ball moved around. That one is hard for me to argue, since that whole "what constitutes a catch thing" is just whacked IMO.

Someone will be quick to point out, Badgers lost, can't blame refs, shouldn't have put themselves in that position, blah blah blah.....sometimes I think it just ok to say "the refs blew some calls that directly impacted the outcome of the game" *See "Fail Mary" Reference*
I haven't really read or watched any commentary on the game, but they were calling it an illegal fair catch signal? If so, why didn't they penalize each team at least twice after that since both of them did the same thing again?

and if it was a fair catch signal, he was hit 3 times before he even started running, no flags? and why didn't the put time back on the clock since the play should have been over? or did they and I missed it? The crowd boo'd after every play pretty much for a good 15 minutes after that punt. I couldn't though, I had to move on


Lifelong Packers Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
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Stave is probably a good kid who gives it his all, but his inconsistency is just maddening, particularly for a 5th year senior. He'll throw a few accurate passes and drive the offense down the field to a score and then make a mistake a freshman starting his first game would make. Again, nothing against him but I look forward to next season and a new QB. I hope Chryst's reputation is attracting some WRs and TEs that may otherwise not come to UW. And they need to bring in some big O linemen as is their custom.

I swear I've seen the exact same motion by a PR in college and pro games and then the ball bounces into the PR's hands and he usually dives forward for a few yards and they mark it where he went down. If you look at that again, his hands were at waste level and none of the opponents treated that motion as a fair catch signal. (BTW Mondio, they said there's no problem if the ball isn't advanced after the "illegal" fair catch signal.)

Unfortunately with so many HC jobs open I expect this is Aranda's last season in Madison. His replacement will have a lot to do with Chryst's success going forward.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
For those of us who watched it on TV, every replay of that Punt and Erickson's signal showed him doing the same thing that most returners do when they are telling their guys they are going to let it hit and to get away (like an Umpires safe call, hands outstretched, below the waist (not waving) but saying "get away from the ball". Many times the ball bounces right, as it did Saturday and the returner catches it and returns it. Never seen a penalty called for doing that, Even the announcers could not figure out how and why anyone interpreted that call the way the refs did.

Oh well......just knocked us down one bowl game.

Stave. Has/Had the physical tools to be a pretty decent QB, but for some reason lacking the mental game. I still blame him for the ASU game when the refs didn't spot the ball fast enough to allow another play. Who taught the Badgers how to spike the ball when killing the clock?? Have seen it on a number of occasions (and in the ASU game) where Stave takes the snap and just makes a motion like he is spiking the ball, but doesn't. That confuses the refs and in the ASU game, the defense. Spike the ball hard and make it bounce.


Dec 20, 2014
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They replayed it 30 times in the stadium too and it was clear he wasn't calling for a fair catch, but had waved people away because it was going to hit the ground. Happens all the time, and like you said, sometimes it bounces right and they pick it up and run. Have never seen that called a fair catch before.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
chalk it up to another blatant missed call that in this case, may have cost the Badgers the game. But I'm certain there are some Northwestern fans that could point to a few missed calls that went in our favor, all a part of the game and they are suppose to balance out. Just frustrating when the missed call is THAT bad and THAT costly.

Had that happened in a higher profile game or on Sunday, it would have been headlines on ESPN.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
Just checking in on all the Badger Haters and get their take on this years Badger Football Team. Ranked 6th in the Country, their only 2 loses, close games against top 4 teams, chance of winning the Big 10 Title as well as possibly making the Playoffs.

Go Bucky!

In Paul Chryst we trust!


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I guess I will be "chatting" with myself here or maybe I should find a Badger fan forum. LOL

One step closer to the top 4 after Louisville's loss and another impressive win by Bucky this weekend. This is going to be fun to watch how everything plays out with Michigan and OSU squaring off next Saturday and the possibility (with OSU win) that neither play for the Big 10 Title (PSU will) but the winner most likely in the playoffs. If the Badgers win against Minnesota and beat whoever represents the East for the Big 10 Title, will that be enough to get them into the "final 4"?

Love my Packers, but with their season where its at, my Love for Badger Football is at an all time peaked high.

Go Bucky!


Jul 3, 2014
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Northern IL
I guess I will be "chatting" with myself here or maybe I should find a Badger fan forum. LOL

One step closer to the top 4 after Louisville's loss and another impressive win by Bucky this weekend. This is going to be fun to watch how everything plays out with Michigan and OSU squaring off next Saturday and the possibility (with OSU win) that neither play for the Big 10 Title (PSU will) but the winner most likely in the playoffs. If the Badgers win against Minnesota and beat whoever represents the East for the Big 10 Title, will that be enough to get them into the "final 4"?

Love my Packers, but with their season where its at, my Love for Badger Football is at an all time peaked high.

Go Bucky!
I'll play along, as not much we can do to "help" guide the Packers on to victory, anymore this season.

(4) Big Ten teams currently in top 8 rankings... problem is they'll continue beating-up-on each other this week and in the Big Ten playoffs :(. I'm hoping 2 survive to play in the New Years playoffs, but fear only 1 will make it that far. Love that WI is in the hunt, but don't know if they belong in that top-echelon grouping?


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I'll play along, as not much we can do to "help" guide the Packers on to victory, anymore this season.

(4) Big Ten teams currently in top 8 rankings... problem is they'll continue beating-up-on each other this week and in the Big Ten playoffs :(. I'm hoping 2 survive to play in the New Years playoffs, but fear only 1 will make it that far. Love that WI is in the hunt, but don't know if they belong in that top-echelon grouping?

thank you for playing.....The Badger Game LOL. You are right, Packer chat has gotten a bit depressing.

I don't know how it looks now, but the Badgers Strength of Schedule has been near the top in the country. Their 2 losses came in OT against #2 OSU and a 14-7 loss to Michigan (#4) at Ann Arbor. Both games, the Badgers were in a position to win. They have beat LSU (#2 at time), Michigan State on the road (#8 at the time), Nebraska (#7 at time), Iowa (top 25).

So they actually are considered the best 2 loss team in the country by pollsters. They should beat the Golphers this week in Madison and after that it all depends on what happens between OSU and Mich. as well as PSU.

I think the scenario that does the Badgers the most good is....Michigan beats OSU and the Badgers beat Michigan in the Big10 Championship game. If the Buckeyes beat Michigan, PSU most likely goes to the Big10 Championship and the Badgers can't knock off one of the teams that they need to get ahead of and that they previously had lost to.

This is what football is all about! :)

When the season started and with the schedule the Badgers were facing, very few Badger fans thought we would be here today talking about possibly playing for the National Championship. But I seriously think any College Football fan that is following someone other than Alabama, is just hoping to get into the title game to have a slight chance of winning it all.

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