Recent content by WeCowboysSuck

  1. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    Can you delete the picture I posted ._.
  2. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    Can some moderator PLEASE delete this ._.
  3. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    Even still you know There are other pics, and I’m thankful I wasn’t obligated to post them
  4. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    Can someone delete the photo in this post? ._.
  5. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    I personally think you all are super chill and cool. I may stick around, but my roommate doesn’t get on forums much
  6. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    I’m just glad the image I had to share didn’t end up on ESPN at the time. I don’t think my hometown could’ve handled seeing that on top of the defeat.
  7. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    I pity you if this happens naturally (yes this is me) <mod edit: embarrassing photo deleted at posters request>
  8. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    There was another underwear related thing I had to endure. The wedgie of a lifetime ._.
  9. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    Same thing on a Cowboys forum.
  10. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    I was talking mad crap to my roommate on game day. Imagine my silence when we lost. If you must.
  11. W

    I am a Cowboys fan, and we suck.

    Hello, Green Bay. My favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys, suck. You Packers are just too good. I lost several wagers with my roommate the night we were booted from the playoffs. One of them being I have to come on here and endure any roasts and bants you lot have for us Dallas Cowgirls.

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